So right now I'm rocking corn rows. This is isn't my first go round with corn rows, and most definitely won't be the last. And while I love these braids, right now…I'm OVER IT!! For a natural chick, braids are one of the protective styles used to grow your hair. Now, we know my hair is short, and it's going to take a long time for my hair to get to a length that I'm going to be happy with. So does this mean I'm going to have to wear my hair in braids forever? UMMMM……can't do it!!! I don't have the time or the wherewithal to sit and get my hair braided every few weeks. Nor do I want to see, what little edges I have, disappear because I've been wearing braids to much. So what is a girl to do?
Yeah…I know…embrace my natural hair and wear it out. But ya'll know…I'm not there yet. I keep looking at different youtube videos praying that someone is going to show me a hairstyle that my hair will do that looks cute. And I keep praying that one day soon I'm going to wake up, see my natural hair, and love it. That day is coming…BUT IT JUST AIN'T HERE YET!!
It's been a year since my last perm. I'm supposing that I will have to wear protective styles for at least another year. Hopefully my hair will double the length in length. Crazy thinking? Nope…Hopeful!! But a year of protective styles? Geez!!!!! This journey has got to take a turn for the good soon….Please Lord!!!
My hair has been one of my most prized possessions. Now it's almost a curse. I need help, I know. But remember…I'm telling my truth. Looking in the mirror, I don't see my old self…I see…well, I'll keep that to myself. I'm not super excited with what I see. But I'm working on loving what I see. Time will tell and time will hopefully help me to begin to feel better. Until then...
Hair love~
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